Wednesdays at 6:30 pm – Beginning September 11th

You may register for a CrossWalk Course by completing the registration form that’s in our weekly bulletin and placing it in the designated basket in the church’s foyer or by calling our church office (704) 735-3287. Please register by Wednesday, August 21st.

Psalm 23: The Shepherd with Me (Women’s Study)

The Jennifer Rothschild Psalm 23 study is a seven-session video-based Bible study that delves into the depths of God’s care as described in Psalm 23. Participants will learn to let their guard down and trust God’s presence, recognizing that vulnerability is not a liability because the Shepherd made them to need Him.

Leader: Kathy Heafner 

Cost (study guide optional): $8.00

Guards & Alarms: The 3C’s of Marriage

What makes a marriage last? What makes a marriage good? What makes a marriage strong enough to weather the storms of life? God’s design for marriage is for our happiness and His glory. Whether you have been married one year or forty, it still takes work and nurturing to accomplish God’s design. Learning the 3C’s of marriage can bring stability, joy and oneness to your relationship.

Leaders: Pastor Joe & Elaine Canipe 

No Cost

Be Satisfied: Looking for the Answer to the
 Meaning of Life

King Solomon had it all. Wealth. Power. Prestige. Yet despite having everything he could ever want; Solomon still wasn’t satisfied. He soon came to a startling conclusion: Even though we have it all, it’ll never be enough. This revelation inspired the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon’s profound thoughts on the meaning of life. Be Satisfied examines Solo-mon’s remarkable insights on what holds real value in this world.

                                                       Leader: Pastor Randy 

Cost (study guide optional): $7.00

Sunday School

There are several classes for adults, youth, and children.  The Sunday School literature has an age appropriate lesson on the same focus churchwide.  We use the Bible Studies for Life lesson series from LifeWay as our study guides.

Choose your class:

  • Homebuilders: A Co-ed class for adults and couples
  • Adult Co-ed
  • Men
  • Women
  • JOY: A Co-ed class for Seniors

Homebuilders Video Series:

  • Homebuilders: A Co-ed class for adults and couples
  • Adult Co-ed
  • Men
  • Women
  • JOY: A Co-ed class for Seniors
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Current Adult Curriculum

Winter 2024-2025

  • Looking Forward to Christmas
  • The Heart of Worship
  • Treasuring Who God Treasures

Free Lesson Extras

Audio Leader Lesson Training

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