Our church meets every week on Sunday morning for discipleship training and worship. Sunday and Wednesday night activites are scheduled to promote fellowship and in-depth bible training. Please check out the possible places of service and bible study that are available to everyone. We look forward to you joining with us in our journey through the Word that God has given us.
You are welcome to join a Ministry Team and utilize your gifts and talents as we strive to serve the Lord in our daily lives and church. Check out the different teams and consider where you may best serve others.
Check out upcoming events, outings, and fellowship opportunities.
Find an activity for you and join in with us.
9:45 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Worship Service
~Preschool Praise & Team Kid programs during Worship
5:00 pm- Choir Practice
Wednesday, 6:30 pm- Bible Studies
~Adult Bible Studies
~Youth Bible Study
*Nursery available Sunday mornings, and Wednesday evenings*
The first Wednesday of each month is designated as C.A.R.E. Night at Macedonia. C.A.R.E. is an acronym for “Christians Actively Reaching Everyone.” On C.A.R.E. Nights we reach out to those in our church family and community who need encouragement by sending cards, making phone calls, or visiting. There is also a meal, signup the Sunday prior is required.